Rental apartments in The Hague?

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Rental apartments in The Hague

The availability of private-sector rental properties in The Hague and the surrounding commuter cities like Leidschendam, Voorburg and  Zoetermeer is very high.

Many of the more affordable properties offered are rental apartments, varying from new-build units to flats in monumental, multiple-storey buildings in The Hague. These apartments are located in popular and safe residential neighbourhoods and generally fully comply with all of today’s regulations for high-quality rental housing.

The choice is of course entirely personal and dependent on your taste and needs.

Types of apartments available in The Hague

New-build apartments are typically available to rent in a modern environment with nearby shops, schools, etc., while the more stately apartments to rent are located in older districts, along wide streets and in sought-after residential neighbourhoods, also typically with shops nearby.

Rotsvast offers both basic apartments (unfurnished and without flooring or curtains) as well as apartments with wall-to-wall flooring and curtains and furnished apartments to rent in Den Haag. Whatever your wishes, we will always have an apartment you like! Browse our wide selection of rental apartments in The Hague now.

Policy plan of the city of The Hague 

In its policy plan for the coming years, the city of The Hague has established that certain groups of people looking for housing are to receive priority, such as young people and students, families, expats and commuters.

In doing so, The Hague hopes to achieve much greater freedom of choice in terms of living environment in urban areas.

Den Haag municipality furthermore aims to achieve a greater national share in the middle- and high-income groups.

This applies to properties for sale as well as rentals!

Also interested in renting an apartment in The Hague?

For questions please fill out the form, or you can of course always visit our office. Our staff are ready to help!