User-friendly and affordable solutions for home preservation. Affordable, comfortable, simple and sustainable living is the idea behind DreamHûs. Rotsvast Delft rents and manages 3 homes on the grounds of Greenvillage, part of TU Delft. The Green Village is a testing ground for sustainable innovations, on TU Delft's campus. It is an open-air laboratory for experiments with new technologies for the living environment.

This experiment is a collaboration between WoonFriesland, Bouwgroep Dijkstra Draisma, YES! Delft, The Green Village and De Bewonersraad Friesland. Three exact copies of Dutch seventies houses with different energy performances have been built at The Green Village; one house with the energy label F and two with the label B. This has created a real-life situation in which different innovative parties will take up the challenge to make the houses more sustainable as effectively and efficiently as possible (affordable, simple and scalable). Now in an experimental setting, soon through the social rental company WoonFriesland in large-scale practice. Researchers, students and entrepreneurs are invited to come up with user-friendly and above all affordable solutions to make these houses sustainable.
The first two innovators - DeWarmte and SuperSola - pitched their idea on stage during the kick-off. And about the why of their initiative for this experiment, Sigrid Hoekstra (Het Sociaal Verhuurbedrijf WoonFriesland) and Biense Dijkstra (Bouwgroep Dijkstra Draisma) recently talked with Frank van den Broek (Bewonersraad Friesland).
Additional inspiration came from Andy van den Dobbelsteen, professor of Climate Design & Sustainability at TU Delft. He stimulated the audience with his vision of renovating homes and neighborhoods. Of course, there was also an opportunity to view the three DreamHûzen.